Day 40 - 40 Day Sadhana

Congratulations!!! You’ve completed the 40 Day Sadhana! This is a huge accomplishment, you should be very proud of yourself. The 40 day practice is an experience of pure devotion. I hope you will carry on these practices that spoke closely to your heart. If you are interested in being notified when we do another 40 Day Sadhana or other workshops please sign up here. If you have any feedback that you’d like to see in future practices, please email me here . Thank you again. Sending you much love and full gratitude.

Let’s practice together for our last day.

Day 39 - 40 Day Sadhana

As we begin to close the doors to this beautiful and dedicated practice, I wanted to leave you with some advice for moving on with your practice. These practices you’ve learned are tools for your toolbox, to continue to practice and use when needed. Below is the definition of Sadhana I use in my manuals for yoga teacher training. I hope this will be helpful for you. My biggest recommendation to keep going with this daily practice is to continue to refresh your sacred space and to light a candle in this space every morning. Even if it’s only for 10 seconds as you say good morning to yourself. This is a practice of connection to your Self, connecting with You each morning. Below is your practice for today.

“Daily Blessing

The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not be angry, do not worry, and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people

Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer, and pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth.

Just for today, I give thanks for my many blessings
Just for today, I let go of anger
Just for today, I let go of worry
Just for today, I do my work honestly
Just for today, I am kind to all living beings ”

— Reiki Blessing

Sadhana - Your Spiritual Practice

A spiritual practice for which you dedicate time and space for. This practice allows you to shift from ego back into your heart consciousness. You may refer to it as feeling centered or grounded after you complete your Sadhana. Be aware of your emotions and emotional state during your practice (are you suppressing, repressing, bypassing?) Our Sadhana is not only the time to reconnect to our hearts, but to ask your Self, “What do you need today?” and to truly listen to our inner truth.

Your Sadhana does not have a timeframe, but to find a practice you can devote time and space to.

Much Love,


Day 38 - 40 Day Sadhana

Today’s practice is to try something new. Have you tried QiGong? QiGong has been a practice that has helped me contain and clean my energy body. Below I have a QiGong practice that I highly recommend trying. At the studio we also have new classes added to the schedule or maybe you've had something on your mind about trying lately and now is the time to try. I am now teaching a foundations class called Vinyasa 101 on Wednesday’s at 4:00pm.

Much Love,


Day 37 - 40 Day Sadhana

Mantra is such a powerful practice. I’ve introduced you to several, I want to give you one more. This Mantra has been very special to me. As I was sitting in meditation my guides told me to share it with you. Here is the back story on how the mantra came to me.

In 2018 my ex-husband, my son and I drove down to Telluride to see Trevor Hall play at a small venue.  It was a night of storytelling and song.  He had a projector of pictures from his travels to India on the big screen, as he told stories of his music and how it’s influenced by his travels to India. Each picture he projected of India was luring me in.  Calling me to come to this great land; I could taste the cardamom and dust on my tongue. There was time for Q&A towards the end of the show; I raised my hand and asked him about a chant I had heard him sing on a podcast.  I told him, “I’ve searched everywhere for this chant as it had been calling me.  I’d love to know the words and what it means.”  He said, “why don’t I sing it for the encore tonight and I’ll write it down for you after the show.”  So he did.  The chant is a sacred chant to the Mother. Calling the mother that lives inside all of us, to wake up. Saying “wake up Ma wake up”.  It opened many transformational doors and has brought healing energy to my heart. I feel the call to share this Mantra with you.  

Also the Cow in India is considered sacred, we often refer to the cow at Gau Mata - Sacred Mother Cow. I love the picture above of the Ma feeding the Cow. I thought it was fitting.

Below is the mantra and a recording of me singing it in a Ma’s temple in India. I hope you enjoy this sacred mantra, may it bless you forever.

Jaga Dodharini Mata Durga

Jaga Dodharini Ma

Jago Jago Ma

Jago Jago Ma

Jago Jago Ma Janani

Hey Gauri Devi Rana Chandi Devi

Hey Gauri Devi Rana Chandi Devi

Jaya Shiva Ramana Jago Ma

Jaya Shiva Ramana Jago Ma

Day 36 - 40 Day Sadhana

Happy Full Moon in Leo! Leo is ruled by the sun and the sun illuminates the moon to make it a full moon. Which makes this Full Moon special and strong. Leo is about being fearless in expressing yourself so the world can see your light. What does that feel like for you. Do you feel comfortable shining your light? When do you feel the most like you? Maybe its around a certain person or when you are doing a certain hobby?

Leo also represents your passions - What excites you? What is one of your favorite things to do? Can that be apart of your Sadhana? Can you make sure your passions is linked into your daily or weekly practice? Reflect on this as your practice today.

Feel free to share in the comments below.

Sending you all Full Moon blessings!

Much Love


Day 35 - 40 Day Sadhana

What has been your favorite practices so far? I’d love to know! You can email me here.

Today is a day for reflection, as you look back to this experience. My hope is that you can take these practices with you in life. That you will continue to build your toolbox of practices to help you ground, center, and bring awareness into your life everyday.

Here are a few journal prompts as you reflect:

  1. So far during my 40 Day Sadhana I have enjoyed these practices ____________________

  2. This is how I will continue to bring Sadhana into my life daily ___________________

  3. _____________________ is the time of day that works best for my Sadhana.

  4. I feel ___________________ when I practice my Sadhana.

Have a beautiful day



Day 34 - 40 Day Sadhana

  • As you move through your day, let in what you learn of others by how their being passes you.

  • Without a word, bestow a blessing on each as they walk away.

Day 33 - 40 Day Sadhana

I want to share one practice of mine from the Yoga Sutras (an ancient yogic text). This practice in Sanskrit it’s called Pratipaksha Bhavana - pratipaksha means “opposite” and bhavana means “cultivation.” This yogic practice outlined in the Yoga Sutras in which yogis discontinue negative ways of thinking through the discipline of “cultivating the opposite.”

Practice: This practice comes from Plum Village. It relates to the Four Diligences, watering the positive seeds and not the negative seeds that have arisen or not yet arisen. When a song starts playing that we don’t like, we can change the song. If we notice that negative mental states are being watered or triggered, we can consciously change the scene. We don’t push it away - the practice is of awareness. Notice your thought (just like in one point meditation) be aware of it. Then bring your self into the practice of Pratipaksha Bhavana - cultivate the opposite thought. Turning your negative into something positive. Let this be your practice today.

For example: I’m not the biggest fan of snow and shoveling, but the job needs to get done. I decided to consciously make a practice out of shoveling, instead of complaining about it. With every shovel I said something that I’m grateful for. I ended up enjoying shoveling and it began my day on a positive note.

Everything is a spiritual practice with self awareness.

Much Love,


Day 31 - 40 Day Sadhana

Let’s go a little deeper!

Your practice today, is to extend the time of your mediation - extend by 5 minutes, and witness how your body and mind ebb and flow with the extended time.



Day 29 - 40 Day Sadhana

Today is the Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (also known as the thousand petal lotus)

Location: Top of the head, where the soft spot was as a baby

What it is: This chakra experiences unity and realization that everything is connected at a fundamental level, to experience oneness with everyone and everything. All one. To surrender and trust the process of life.

Color: Purple or White

Element: Pure Light

Crystals associated with it: Selenite, Lapis Lazuli, White Agate

Essential Oils: Rose, Frankincense, Sandalwood

Yoga poses that activate it: Savasana, Meditation, Yoga Nidra


  • Practice Surrender

    • Savasana

    • Yoga Nidra

    • Journal about surrender

Crown Chakra Affirmations

  • I am Divine

  • I honor the Divine within me

  • I trust the process of life

  • I trust my intuition

  • I am open to letting go of my attachments

  • I live in the present moment

Practice for today - is to practice Savasana, usually only practiced after an Asana (Yoga) class, but for today, you’ll create a comfy spot, option to play music, close your eyes and relax for a minimum of five minutes.

Day 28 - 40 Day Sadhana

Today is the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Location: Between the brows, Brain, Pituitary gland

What it is: The gift of this chakra is seeing both inner and outer worlds. This chakra allows us to access our inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. It allows us to cut through illusion and to access deeper truths - to see beyond the mind, beyond the words.

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Crystals associated with it: Amethyst, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite

Essential Oils: Palo Santo, Chamomile, Rose, Neroli, Geranium

Yoga poses that activate it: Dolphin Pose, Warrior 3, Eagle Pose, Childs Pose

Ajna Chakra Affirmations

  • I am in touch with my inner guidance.

  • I listen to my deepest wisdom.

  • I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences.

  • I am wise, intuitive, and connected with my inner guide.

  • I nurture my spirit.

  • I listen to the wisdom of elders.

  • I trust my intuition.

Let’s go deeper into Mantra

  • Mantra work - Mantras are such powerful work. You can sing mantra or quickly say mantra in meditation.

    Here are some beautiful Mantras and their meanings. The Mantra will call you, you’ll feel a pull to one or the other.

    • Om Gam Ganapatayai Namah = The primary Ganesh mantra for clearing obstacles and awakening the primal root energy of consciousness.

    • Om Shree Hanumaate Namah = Invoking strength, stamina and power

    • Om Dum Durgaayai Namah = Remover of difficulties, internal and external protection as well as to bestow wisdom and strength

    • Om Namah Shivaya = A mantra for transformation, awakening and healing.

      • Na = Earth

      • Ma = Water

      • Shi = Fire

      • Va = Air

      • Ya = Either

    • Aham Prema = Invoke living energy of the highest Love within our hearts

    • Lokaah Samasthaah Sukhino Bhavantu = A mantra to express loving kindness to all living beings. Can be translated to “May all beings, everywhere, be happy and free. “

    • The Gayatri Mantra (longest mantra, can be known as the strongest one) Meaning = Infinite spiritual energy and is said to contain the essence of all mantras. Some call it the Song of the Sun. This mantra is an ancient invocation of the Light within us and within everything. It’s a deep prayer for liberation. The Gayatri is also considered to be spiritual Light itself in the form of sound.

      • Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha

      • Tat Savitur Varenyam

      • Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi

      • Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat

        • Here is a YouTube video that will help you learn this mantra if it’s calling to you.

    Practice today - Try a Mantra, chant, sing, meditate

Love, A

Day 27 - 40 Day Sadhana

The heart chakra which you learned about yesterday is the bridge to the upper chakras. When the first four chakras are in balance, it creates a bridge into the higher or spiritual chakras. Let’s jump into the fifth chakra!

Today is the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Location: Throat, Ears, Mouth, Shoulders, and Neck

What it is: The energy of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitations of time and space, beyond cultural and family conditioning. To speak your truth and hear the truth, expressing your authentic voice.

Color: Blue

Element: Akasha or Either (the space in which air, fire, water, and earth come together as creation)

Crystals associated with it: Amazonite, Lapis lazuli, Turquoise, Aquamarine

Essential Oils: Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Sage, Cypress, Peppermint, Spearmint

Yoga poses that activate it: Cat/Cow, Lions Breath, Fish Pose, Shoulder Stand, Plow Pose


  • 4-5 Rounds of Lions Breath - Deep inhale, then open your mouth, stick out your tongue and exhale.

  • Sing your favorite song

  • Chant Mantra

  • Write down your values and speak them out-loud to yourself.

  • Create a boundaries worksheet - On a piece of paper, draw a circle, inside this circle write down the things, activities, work and people in your life that sustain and heighten your vibration. Next - outside the circle write all of the things, activities, work and people that would be an invitation only, into your inner circle. This helps you create healthy boundaries so that you can speak your truth and say no when you need to say no and yes when you are ready to say yes.

  • Drink spearmint or peppermint tea.

  • Use peppermint or spearmint essential oils on your throat to help nourish the throat chakra.

Throat Chakra Affirmations

  • I am open, clear, and honest in my communication.

  • I have a right to speak my truth.

  • I communicate my feelings with ease.

  • I express myself creatively through speech, writing, or art.

  • I live an authentic life. I have integrity.

  • I create healthy boundaries

  • I say no when I need to

Practice today - SING! I know there is one song that you love to shout it out in the car, right?



Day 26 - 40 Day Sadhana

Let’s fly into the 4th Chakra

Today is the Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Location: The heart chakra is located in the heart center and also includes the arms and hands.

What it is: The heart chakra - the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located in the center of the chest at the heart level.  Anahata moves love through your life. It is the center of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, generosity, kindness, and respect.

Color: Green

Element: Air

Crystals associated with it: Rose Quartz, Emerald, Rhodochrosite, Aventurine, Jade, Amazonite

Essential Oils: Rose, Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Bergamot

Yoga poses that activate it: Camel Pose, Wheel Pose, Bridge Pose, Cobra and Updog


  • Place hands at the heart center, breath in deep and exhale release 4-5 times.

  • Write a list of what you are grateful for.

  • Tell those close to you that you love them.

  • Hug someone.

  • Loving awareness meditation (linked below).

Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • I am open to love.

  • All love resides within my heart.

  • I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

  • I nurture my inner child. I am wanted and loved.

  • I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude.

  • I give and receive love

  • I am open to love and kindness.

Practice for today is to listen to the loving awareness meditation.



Day 25 - 40 Day Sadhana

Let’s ignite the 3rd Chakra!

Today is the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Location: The solar plexus chakra is located right above the navel and below where the rib cage meets.

What it is: The third chakra is our power center just like the sun. I think of the solar plexus as our generator, generating the energy we need to lead ourselves into our purpose with a positive life force. We can work with this Chakra to ignite a new idea, or to burn away and purify something that needs to release in the body. When working with the fire element, it takes a moment to check in, asking yourself if you need to throw a couple more logs onto the fire to create more ignition, passion, flame for what you are doing OR is there too much fire and you need to calm the fire, allowing it to simmer and maybe pour some water on it. We want this chakra to feel balanced. Enough ignition to activate our purpose into action but not too much that we burn ourselves out.

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Crystals associated with it: Citrine, Carnelian, Topaz, Malachite, Amber and Yellow Sapphire

Essential Oils: Coriander, Ginger, Basil, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, and Clove

Yoga poses that activate it: Dhanurasana (bow pose), Kapalabhati pranayama or breath of fire, High Lunge Twist with Anjali mudra (prayer pose), Parvritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose)

Rituals: Depends on if you are building fire to ignite a new idea or if you are taming the inner fire to release stress and calm the nervous system. Here are a few ideas.

  • Ignite - Light a candle, sing mantra, find movement in your body

  • Purify - Release by writing on a piece of paper what you’d like to release and carefully burning it. Take two deep inhales and one big exhale out your mouth, cleansing breath.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

  • I love and accept myself.

  • I stand up for myself.

  • I am strong and courageous.

  • I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect.

  • I choose the best for myself.

  • I confidently express myself.

  • I am proud of my achievements.

  • I honor myself.

  • I choose healthy relationships.

  • I am authentic.

  • I direct my own life.

Practice for today is to sit in meditation for 5-10 minutes and check in with your fire element. Do you feel you need to ignite your flame or release and purify?



Day 24 - 40 Day Sadhana

Let’s flow into the second Chakra.

Today is the Sacral Chakra

Location: The sacral chakra is located right below your navel, and sacrum.

What it is: The second chakra is the center of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection. This energy center allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness. This is also the space of your creativity and sensuality.

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Crystals associated with it: Orange and Coral Calcite, Citrine

Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Bergamot

Yoga poses that activate it: Cat/Cow, Hips Circles, Bridge

Rituals: Water is about movement and fluidity, find ways to get into the flow. Dance, bath, float tank, shower, yoga.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

  • I love and enjoy my body.

  • I have healthy boundaries.

  • I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.

  • I am passionate.

  • I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.

  • I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.

Practice for today is to define what types of practices keep you flowing in life. What helps you go with the flow.



Day 23 - 40 Day Sadhana

This week we are heading into the 7 Chakras. “Chakra” is from the Sanskrit language and translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but references an energy center within the human body, of which there are seven along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head.

Today is the Root Chakra

Location: The root chakra is associated with the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae.

What it is: Think about your root chakra (aka Muladhara in Sanskrit) as the foundation of a house, except for your body, when in balance it’s stable, supportive and sturdy to support your emotional body. It’s connected to how you ground your energy and feel safe.

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Crystals associated with it: Red jasper, onyx, hematite

Essential Oils: Vetiver, Cedarwood, Arborvitae, Pine

Yoga poses that activate it: Wide-legged forward fold, malasana squats, mountain pose

Rituals: Get into the earth, walk, hike, put your barefeet onto the earth (there might be a few spots between the snow), water plants, lay on the floor and feel your body connected to the earth, drink root teas like dandelion root.

Root Chakra Affirmations

  • I am connected to my body

  • I feel deeply rooted

  • I feel safe and secure

  • I stand for my values, for truth, and for justice

  • I have what I need

  • I am grounded, stable, and standing on my own two feet

Practice for today is to define what types of practices ground you.

Here are a few grounding meditations from insight timer - if you do not have insight timer that’s ok, there are also some YouTube grounding meditations listed below.

Grounding Meditation by Ange

Relieving Anxiety - Feeling Grounded

Re-Centering In Times of Uncertainty


Grounding Meditation

Root Chakra Healing Meditating

Sending you all love and grounding energy,



Day 22 - 40 Day Sadhana

Rest is one of the greatest practices!

“Doing nothing, but with a purpose to do nothing or no purpose at all, may help to decrease anxiety, bring creativity to the surface, and boost productivity. The Dutch have perfected the practice of doing nothing, or “niksen” so well that they are some of the happiest people on earth." written in this article on Blue Zones.

Today’s practice is to take 30 minutes to do nothing.



Day 21 - 40 Day Sadhana

Loving Awareness - To love everything we are aware of. Ram Dass spoke to this many times in his teachings. Today’s practice is to listen to the Loving Awareness meditation by Ram Dass. You can lay down, or find a seat.