Let’s flow into the second Chakra.
Today is the Sacral Chakra
Location: The sacral chakra is located right below your navel, and sacrum.
What it is: The second chakra is the center of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection. This energy center allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness. This is also the space of your creativity and sensuality.
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Crystals associated with it: Orange and Coral Calcite, Citrine
Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Bergamot
Yoga poses that activate it: Cat/Cow, Hips Circles, Bridge
Rituals: Water is about movement and fluidity, find ways to get into the flow. Dance, bath, float tank, shower, yoga.
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
I love and enjoy my body.
I have healthy boundaries.
I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.
I am passionate.
I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.
Practice for today is to define what types of practices keep you flowing in life. What helps you go with the flow.