Day 27 - 40 Day Sadhana

The heart chakra which you learned about yesterday is the bridge to the upper chakras. When the first four chakras are in balance, it creates a bridge into the higher or spiritual chakras. Let’s jump into the fifth chakra!

Today is the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Location: Throat, Ears, Mouth, Shoulders, and Neck

What it is: The energy of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitations of time and space, beyond cultural and family conditioning. To speak your truth and hear the truth, expressing your authentic voice.

Color: Blue

Element: Akasha or Either (the space in which air, fire, water, and earth come together as creation)

Crystals associated with it: Amazonite, Lapis lazuli, Turquoise, Aquamarine

Essential Oils: Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Sage, Cypress, Peppermint, Spearmint

Yoga poses that activate it: Cat/Cow, Lions Breath, Fish Pose, Shoulder Stand, Plow Pose


  • 4-5 Rounds of Lions Breath - Deep inhale, then open your mouth, stick out your tongue and exhale.

  • Sing your favorite song

  • Chant Mantra

  • Write down your values and speak them out-loud to yourself.

  • Create a boundaries worksheet - On a piece of paper, draw a circle, inside this circle write down the things, activities, work and people in your life that sustain and heighten your vibration. Next - outside the circle write all of the things, activities, work and people that would be an invitation only, into your inner circle. This helps you create healthy boundaries so that you can speak your truth and say no when you need to say no and yes when you are ready to say yes.

  • Drink spearmint or peppermint tea.

  • Use peppermint or spearmint essential oils on your throat to help nourish the throat chakra.

Throat Chakra Affirmations

  • I am open, clear, and honest in my communication.

  • I have a right to speak my truth.

  • I communicate my feelings with ease.

  • I express myself creatively through speech, writing, or art.

  • I live an authentic life. I have integrity.

  • I create healthy boundaries

  • I say no when I need to

Practice today - SING! I know there is one song that you love to shout it out in the car, right?
