Day 20 - 40 Day Sadhana

You've completed half of the 40 Day Sadhana!!! Congratulations!

What has been your favorite practice? I’d love to hear - you can comment below, email or text me. Today’s practice is to take one of the practices that you loved and work it into your morning or day.

Have a beautiful day



Day 19 - 40 Day Sadhana

Hello! Early this morning was the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling the intensity of this Full Moon. When a Full Moon is paired with an Eclipse it is about four times as strong energetically. This is a great time to release what no longer serves you in this year, month, week or maybe even day. Taking a big deep breath and let it go through your exhale. I know, easier said than done but really give yourself a chance to let it go. Gemini is known for its thoughts and depending on where Gemini sits in your chart, it will effect a certain area within your life. Honoring what comes up for you today and releasing the nonsense that does not serve your highest and greatest good.

Don’t forget - today is the last day for 20% all orders $50.00 or more. Services and Products!



Day 17 - 40 Day Sadhana

Intuition is here within each of us as a guide, the inner compass or GPS. The more you begin to get quiet and listen the more you will hear. Intuition is like a muscle; it needs strengthening and attention. You were born with this guidance and finding a way to connect to your intuition daily will help. The number one way to connect to your intuition is meditation. So far in the past 17 days, you have tried a few types of meditation. Maybe you like to be guided, or maybe mantra helped you, or one point meditation. Finding a regular meditation practice will help you clear distractions, center and teach you how to recognize the subtle impulses within. Messages from your intuition tend to be quiet, so spending time in silence will help you listen to these signs.

Today’s practice is to begin to establish a dedicated meditation practice. It does not have to be long, anywhere from 2-20 minutes every day. Find a time of day that works best for you, I will continue to mention helpful hints and types of meditation here in the rest of our days together, but for now, establishing this practice is very important.

Please let me know if you have any questions - Ask for what you need!



Day 16 - 40 Day Sadhana

Hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday!

Today’s practice is called Trataka (Candle Gazing) Cleansing Technique. This simple technique has a purifying, invigorating effect on the mind and improves concentration, paving the way for a deeper meditation practice. Yoga International quotes, “This practices improves concentration and memory, trataka cleanses both the eyes and the cerebral cortex, balances the nervous system, and relieves depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Another yogic text, the Gheranda Samhita, states that the practice cultivates clairvoyance and inner vision.

Let’s begin:

  1. Come to a comfortable seat, meditative posture with your head, neck, and trunk aligned. Set a candle two feet in front of you, with the flame positioned at eye level. Make sure the room is dark and draft-free.

  2. Begin with your eyes closed. Watch your breath, like we’ve been practicing with one point meditation.

  3. Open your eyes and rest your gaze on the middle part of the flame, right above the tip of the wick.

  4. Observe any thoughts that arise, watching them come and go. Try not to attach to the thought, acknowledge the thought and bring your awareness back to your breath and gaze on the flame.

  5. Close your eyes only when they begin to strain and water. Tears are good, they help shed and carry away impurities.

  6. When you feel complete with the practice, find an image to gaze upon other than the flame.

  7. Close your eyes and bring your hands to prayer

  8. Namaste

Have a beautiful day!


Day 15 - 40 Day Sadhana

Sending you all much gratitude - Today’s practice is to bow in reverence of what you are grateful for. Bowing is sacred in many traditions. To touch your forehead to the earth and give thanks. In India it’s called pranam, in Yoga - we practice the Sun Salutation; within one Sun Salutation there are 7 bows. Bow in a way that feels sacred and comfortable for you.

Below is a graphic of Sun Salutation A - you can practice this as your bow as many times as you’d like.

Also below is a beautiful prayer that I found in the book To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue

Prayer before meal

As we begin this meal with grace,

Let us become aware of the memory

Carried inside the food before us:

The quiver of the seed

Awakening in the earth,

Unfolding in a trust of roots

And slender stems of growth,

On its voyage toward harvest,

The kiss of the rain and surge of sun;

The innocence of animal soul

That never spoke a word,

Nourished by the earth

To become today our food;

The work of all the strangers

Whose hands prepared it,

The privilege of wealth and health

That enables us to feast and celebrate.

Much Love,


Sun A.jpg

Day 14 - 40 Day Sadhana

Hello Day 14!

So far you have been working with meditation, your sacred space, and connecting to the elements around you. Now we begin to link the breath. The breath has such an important role in our practice. My teacher Tias Little explains, “The mind is like a bird flying in various directions without finding a resting place, until it settles down in the prana (energy), for the mind is bound by the breath.”

For our breath practice today, please listen to the audio below!

Also you are the first to know! I’m doing a special sale until 11/30/20. You’ll receive 20% off any purchase over $50.00. This includes all Products, Gift Cards, Reiki Sessions and Astrology Readings.

Use code SACRED20 at checkout!

Sending you love,



Day 13 - 40 Day Sadhana

How was meditating with a Mantra yesterday? I’d love to hear! Feel free to text or email me.

Today let’s meditate for more than 5 minutes. Choose your type of meditation, whether it be guided meditation using the Insight Timer App, One Point, or Mantra. Choose a time between 6-15 minutes. After you complete your meditation, share your experience. You can share through journalling, record a voice memo to yourself, or share with a friend, family member or partner.

I hope you have a beautiful day!

Much Love,


Day 12 - 40 Day Sadhana

Today’s element is air. The element of the heart chakra. Did you know that our heart chakra’s electromagnetic field is 100 times stronger than any other part of our energetic body? It is the center of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, generosity, kindness, and respect. Today’s practice is to pick a heart chakra affirmation or mantra, which I have listed below. Also below is a voice memo from me explaining our meditation practice including a mantra or affirmation.

Read below through the affirmations and mantras until one calls out to you. If you need help with pronunciation please contact me, I would love to help. After you have chosen your mantra or affirmation, write it down, set you meditation timer for 5 minutes and try one point meditation with mantra. (The voice memo goes deeper into the explanation of this practice.

There are 84 meridians on the roof of the tongue that are stimulated through Sanskrit mantra, and scientific evidence shows that mantras can facilitate the release of secretions that strengthen our immune and neurological systems.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • I am open to love.

  • I am loving kindness

  • All love resides within my heart.

  • I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

  • I nurture my inner child. I am wanted and loved.

  • I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude.

  • I am connected with other human beings.

  • I accept things as they are.

  • I am peaceful.

  • I am divinely guided

  • I trust the process of life

Sanskrit Mantra

  • OM - universal sound of everything

  • So Hum - I am that

  • Om Ananda - bliss, joy in everything

  • Om Gam Ganapatayai Namah - The primary Ganesh (elephant deiti) for clearing obstacles and awaking consciousness

  • Aham Prema - invoke the living energy of the highest Love within our hearts and lives

  • Lokaah Samasthaah Sukhino Bhavantu - A mantra to express loving-kindness (here is a song)

  • Om Mani Padme Hum
    This powerful mantra, which has deep roots in India and in Tibet, is one of the most commonly chanted mantras in the world. Its meaning, as translated by the Dalai Lama, is: “The jewel is in the lotus, or praise to the jewel in the lotus.” Beautiful song here

Much love to you all,


Day 11 - 40 Day Sadhana

Today’s element is Fire! Welcome to Sagittarius season, which is a fire sign and points us into our next great adventure. Fire is the element of purification and ignition. It’s the element that houses our third chakra, Manipura. This chakra began to open in our energetic body when we were around the age of two. It’s your self confidence, self esteem, and personal power. It’s the energy that lives within the core of your being and brings you to try new things, accomplish goals and go for what you want. Take a moment today to sit and journal - what is it that you are ready to release and ignite?


Love, A

Day 10 - 40 Day Sadhana

Welcome to day #10.. Sorry for the double text and confusion on the elements yesterday. Something on the backend of the text service I’m using sent out the air element text early.

The next Sacred Elements is the water element. This element aligns with our second chakra, which is known as our creativity, sensuality, and our emotional body. Water is a powerful element, creating movement, force, purification and nourishment. How do you connect to the water element, and how has it helped nourish you?

Love, A

Day 9 - 40 Day Sadhana

Let’s explore the Sacred Elements! For the next four days our practices will highlight the elements. Nature lives within us and we live within nature. In our bodies, lives the 7 main Chakras (energy centers). The first four chakras aligning with the elements.

First Chakra, is our root chakra and aligns with the earth element.

Second Chakra, is our sacral chakra and aligns with the water element.

Third Chakra, is our solar plexus and aligns with the fire element.

Fourth Chakra, is our heart chakra and aligns with the air element.

Today’s practice is to journal about how the earth element ground you, and how you connect to it.


Much Love,


Day 8 - 40 Day Sadhana

You’ve completed one week of the 40 Day Sadhana! How are you feeling?

Today’s practice - take 10-20 minutes in reflection, sit in your quiet sacred space. Put on your ear buds and tune into some relaxing music. I’ve curated a playlist on spotify for you with a mix of mantra and relaxing tones.

Take this time out of your day for you, honor this time and space for your practice.

Much Love,


Day 7 - 40 Day Sadhana

Today’s practice is for the evening. What is your sleep routine or ritual? Do you have one? Think about how you’d like to tuck yourself into bed. Our evening practices are just as important as our morning ones. Here are a couple ideas.

  • Try vetiver essential oil on the bottoms of your feet, back of your neck and lower back. Vetiver is a root, which the oil of this root helps our nervous system ground before bed.

  • Drink a calming tea an hour before bedtime, like Chamomile or Sleepy Time Tea.

  • Take time away from all electronic devices at least one hour before bed.

  • Take a warm bath with epsom salt.

  • Listen to a guided meditation, these two are me and my son’s favorites.

  • Listen to 741 Hz Sleep Music like this one on YouTube or 639 Hz on Spotify.

Sleep tight!



Day 6 - 40 Day Sadhana

Hello! How are you doing?

Today is an important day to get out into nature. Why? Astrologically Mercury the planet of communication and Uranus the plant of change are in a square. This means these two planets are at a 90 degree angel which creates tension. If you feel nervous tension or anxiety today, you might be feeling this astrological aspect. The best way to work with this aspect is to get outside and into the earth. Talk a walk, go to the nature trail, sit by a tree, hang out at the park, head out for a hike, plant your feet into the grass or the dirt. Eat root vegetables or fruits that are the color red. Drink an earthy tea like dandelion root or practice a grounding meditation.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.

Much Love,


Day 5 - 40 Day Sadhana

There are many authors like Yung Pueblo, Mark Nepo, Pixie Lighthorse, Tanya Markul and Toko Pa Turner who I love to read. There quotes and short reads bring a sense of assurance in for me. I thought this read from John O’Donohue would be a great one to start off our week. Enjoy!

A Blessing for Beauty

May the beauty of your life become more visible to you, that you may glimpse your wild divinity.

May the wonders of the earth call you forth from all your small, secret prisons and set your feet free in the pastures of possibilities.

May the light of dawn anoint your eyes that you may behold what a miracle a day is.

May the liturgy of twilight shelter all your fears and darkness within the circle of ease. 

May the angel of memory surprise you in bleak times with new gifts from the harvest of your vanished days.

May you allow no dark hand to quench the candle of hope in your heart.

May you discover a new generosity towards yourself, and encourage yourself to engage your life as a great adventure.

May the outside voices of fear and despair find no echo in you.

May you always trust the urgency and wisdom of your own spirit.

May the shelter and nourishment of all the good you have done, the love you have shown, the suffering you have carried, awaken around you to bless your life a thousand times.

And when love finds the path to your door may you open like the earth to the dawn, and trust your every hidden color towards its nourishment of light.

May you find enough stillness and silence to savor the kiss of God on your soul and delight in the eternity that shaped you, that holds you and calls you.

And may you know that despite confusion, anxiety and emptiness, your name is written in Heaven.

And may you come to see your life as a quiet sacrament of service, which awakens around you a rhythm where doubt gives way to the grace of wonder, where what is awkward and strained can find elegance, and where crippled hope can find wings, and torment enter at last unto the grace of serenity.

May Divine Beauty bless you.
- John O’Donohue, from Beauty – The Invisible Embrace

Have a beautiful day,

Much Love,


Day 4 - 40 Day Sadhana

Welcome to Day 4!

Today you will begin to build and refresh your sacred space. Below are your practices, organized by if you currently have a sacred space or if you are new to building a sacred space. Your sacred space or altar is an outer representation of your inner attunement. It’s a way of honoring yourself by having a place that is solely yours.

New to building a sacred space:

Find a place in your home that feels special and comfortable. A space that you can dedicate to you and you're practice.

  1. First clean the energy of the space. You can do this by smudging with sage or palo santo, or spray a clearing spray like the Sacred Devotion Palo Santo and Rose mist. If you do not have these items, you can ring a bell or clap your hands to clear the space. You can say, “I remove any energy that is not mine, and energy that does not serve my highest and greatest good.”

  2. Begin to collect some items around your home that are significant to you. A candle, pictures of loved ones, crystals, shells, trinkets that have a personal meaning, inspirational or oracle cards, write a few quotes that resonate with your heart on a sticky note or piece of paper, anything that brings your personality into your space.

  3. If there is a specific color that calls to you, you can decorate in that color.

  4. After you have set up your sacred space, light your candle and honor the space with your presence.

  5. This space, you can come to for your daily practice, at times of feeling ungrounded or confused, this is a space of offering and devotion for you. Enjoy!

  6. If you have questions please reach out to me via email.

You already have a sacred space:

  1. Take sometime today to clean and freshen up your space.

  2. Remove your items from your altar or sacred space.

  3. Clean the dust and cleanse the energy of your space. You can do this by smudging with sage or palo santo, or spray a clearing spray like the Sacred Devotion Palo Santo and Rose mist. If you do not have these items, you can ring a bell or clap your hands to clear the space. You can say, “I remove any energy that is not mine, and energy that does not serve my highest and greatest good.”

  4. Place the items that feel most significant to you back into your space.

  5. Light your candle and honor the space with your presence.

Much Love!


Day 3 - 40 Day Sadhana

Welcome to Day 3!

Today is a New Moon in Scorpio and it’s time for a New Moon ritual. New Moons are a wonderful time to set intentions and plant seeds for new opportunities. Scorpio represents transformation, illustrated by the phoenix who rises above the ashes. When manifesting a new vision, transformation is not forced, but only set in the energy of love.

“Love is the mechanism that shifts and transforms our current reality by calibrating a higher frequency.” ~ Christine Clemmer.

New Moon Ritual: Grab your journal or a piece of paper and a pen, if you have a candle grab that too. Find a comfortable place to sit, light your candle, and take 3 deep breaths; you could also listen to the guided meditation below before you begin. Journal about where in your life, you'd like to see positive transformation occur. After you have journaled, take a moment to read out-loud what you have written. From now until the Full Moon on November 30th, you can reread your journal, placing it on your altar or near the candle. If you don’t have an altar, that’s ok! We will have the opportunity to create your sacred space tomorrow.

Happy New Moon!

Much Love, Ange

Day 2 - 40 Day Sadhana

Welcome to Day 2!

Sunlight Sit - Find a warm space to sit in the sunlight. Sit for 5 minutes, eyes open or closed. Welcome the light into your heart, breathe into this space with 10 deep inhales and exhales. Allow for guidance to flow in with grace and love. Have a beautiful day!

Much Love, Ange

Day 1 - 40 Day Sadhana

Welcome to Day #1. For our first day of practice we will be meditating for 2-5 minutes. I’ve recorded a guided meditation below or you can set the timer on your phone or download the App Insight Timer. I've created a group on the Insight Timer App for the 40 Day Sadhana (click here) with recommended meditations and guided meditations by me. If you have any questions, please DM me on Instagram or send me an email. Below is a guided meditation

Have a beautiful day!

Much Love, Ange