Day 3 - 40 Day Sadhana

Welcome to Day 3!

Today is a New Moon in Scorpio and it’s time for a New Moon ritual. New Moons are a wonderful time to set intentions and plant seeds for new opportunities. Scorpio represents transformation, illustrated by the phoenix who rises above the ashes. When manifesting a new vision, transformation is not forced, but only set in the energy of love.

“Love is the mechanism that shifts and transforms our current reality by calibrating a higher frequency.” ~ Christine Clemmer.

New Moon Ritual: Grab your journal or a piece of paper and a pen, if you have a candle grab that too. Find a comfortable place to sit, light your candle, and take 3 deep breaths; you could also listen to the guided meditation below before you begin. Journal about where in your life, you'd like to see positive transformation occur. After you have journaled, take a moment to read out-loud what you have written. From now until the Full Moon on November 30th, you can reread your journal, placing it on your altar or near the candle. If you don’t have an altar, that’s ok! We will have the opportunity to create your sacred space tomorrow.

Happy New Moon!

Much Love, Ange