Sending you all much gratitude - Today’s practice is to bow in reverence of what you are grateful for. Bowing is sacred in many traditions. To touch your forehead to the earth and give thanks. In India it’s called pranam, in Yoga - we practice the Sun Salutation; within one Sun Salutation there are 7 bows. Bow in a way that feels sacred and comfortable for you.
Our practice for today is to bow and to journal (written or verbal) what you are grateful for.
Below is an image of Sun Salutation A, if you’d like to practice this as your bow. You can also bow at your sacred practice space or come into child’s pose on your mat. As you bow, say what you are grateful for.
Also below is a beautiful prayer that I found in the book To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue, which is a great way to give thanks for the food that nourishes your body today.
Prayer before meal
As we begin this meal with grace,
Let us become aware of the memory
Carried inside the food before us:
The quiver of the seed
Awakening in the earth,
Unfolding in a trust of roots
And slender stems of growth,
On its voyage toward harvest,
The kiss of the rain and surge of sun;
The innocence of animal soul
That never spoke a word,
Nourished by the earth
To become today our food;
The work of all the strangers
Whose hands prepared it,
The privilege of wealth and health
That enables us to feast and celebrate.
Much Love,