Day 12 - 40 Day Sadhana

Today’s practice is the practice of Loving Kindness. I had the amazing opportunity to study and work with Ram Dass and his colleague Sharon Salzburg who created Loving Kindness meditation from a Buddhist practice called Metta which means appreciation and joy. I’ve recorded a loving kindness meditation that you can listen to or you can repeat the words I’ve typed below.

Loving Kindness Practice

To yourself:

May I be held in lovingkindness.
May I be happy and safe.
May I be healthy in body and in mind.
May I always have enough.
May my heart know peace.

To another:

May you be held in lovingkindness.
May you be happy and safe.
May you be healthy in body and in mind.
May you always have enough.
May your heart know peace.

Have a beautiful day!

Love, A