sacred devotion

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Day 4 - 40 Day Sadhana

Welcome to Day 4!

Today you will begin to build and refresh your sacred space. Below are your practices, organized by if you currently have a sacred space or if you are new to building a sacred space. Your sacred space or altar is an outer representation of your inner attunement. It’s a way of honoring yourself by having a place that is solely yours.

New to building a sacred space:

Find a place in your home that feels special and comfortable. A space that you can dedicate to you and you're practice.

  1. First clean the energy of the space. You can do this by smudging with sage or palo santo, or spray a clearing spray like the Sacred Devotion Palo Santo and Rose mist. If you do not have these items, you can ring a bell or clap your hands to clear the space. You can say, “I remove any energy that is not mine, and energy that does not serve my highest and greatest good.”

  2. Begin to collect some items around your home that are significant to you. A candle, pictures of loved ones, crystals, shells, trinkets that have a personal meaning, inspirational or oracle cards, write a few quotes that resonate with your heart on a sticky note or piece of paper, anything that brings your personality into your space.

  3. If there is a specific color that calls to you, you can decorate in that color.

  4. After you have set up your sacred space, light your candle and honor the space with your presence.

  5. This space, you can come to for your daily practice, at times of feeling ungrounded or confused, this is a space of offering and devotion for you. Enjoy!

  6. If you have questions please reach out to me via email.

You already have a sacred space:

  1. Take sometime today to clean and freshen up your space.

  2. Remove your items from your altar or sacred space.

  3. Clean the dust and cleanse the energy of your space. You can do this by smudging with sage or palo santo, or spray a clearing spray like the Sacred Devotion Palo Santo and Rose mist. If you do not have these items, you can ring a bell or clap your hands to clear the space. You can say, “I remove any energy that is not mine, and energy that does not serve my highest and greatest good.”

  4. Place the items that feel most significant to you back into your space.

  5. Light your candle and honor the space with your presence.

Much Love!
